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File-Based Secret Storage (Insecure)

Signatory file-based signer mode allows operation without an HSM or Key Vault service for evaluation and prototyping purposes. By storing the secret key material in a JSON file, users can get Signatory up and running quickly for evaluation and development purposes.

Signatory configuration for file-based secret storage

This documentation assumes you will use the official Signatory docker image, and that you have a working Linux server with docker installed.

Place the following YAML in a file named signatory.yaml

address: :6732
utility_address: :9583

driver: file
file: /etc/secret.json

log_payloads: true
- transaction

The tz1Wk1Wdczh5BzyZ1uz2DW9xdFg9B5cFuGFm key corresponds to the secret key that you will put in /etc/secret.json

Contents of secret.json is:

"name": "<address_alias>",
"value": "unencrypted:<your_secret_key>"

Running Signatory

Next, you want to run the signatory docker image as follows:

Remember to secure the network where Signatory is running

docker run -it --rm \
-v "$(realpath signatory.yaml):/etc/signatory.yaml" \
-v "$(realpath secret.json):/etc/secret.json" \
-p 6732:6732 \
-p 9583:9583 \
ecadlabs/signatory:latest serve -c /etc/signatory.yaml

Verify that Signatory is working

You can test that Signatory works, making a GET request using the Public Key Hash (PKH). Signatory will return a JSON payload containing the public key.

curl signatory:6732/keys/tz1Wk1Wdczh5BzyZ1uz2DW9xdFg9B5cFuGFm

A response such as the following should be expected:


You can test the signing functionality by making a POST request as follows:

curl -XPOST \
-d '"027a06a770e6cebe5b3e39483a13ac35f998d650e8b864696e31520922c7242b88c8d2ac55000003eb6d"' \

Which should return an HTTP 200 OK with a payload similar to:


If you repeat the same signing operation more than once, you will get an error from the High-Watermark feature. This safety measure prevents the injection of duplicate operations.

The payload on this request resembles a Tezos endorsement emitted from a Tezos Baker node.